论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Correlation Mechanism of Microstructure, Magnetic Domain, and Magnetic Softness of Fe-6.5 wt.%Si Composites with High Saturation | JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM | 吴芳宜,董亚强,贺爱娜,凌宇帆,黎嘉威 | 2023 |
X射线光电子能谱对石墨烯材料测试分析的研究 | “科创中国”科研仪器案例库 | 苗利静,江柯敏,朱丽辉 | 2023 |
Technological developments in amorphous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic ribbons with high saturation induction via patent analysis | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS | 王国华,贺爱娜,董亚强,黎嘉威 | 2023 |
Nanostructural evolution and improved magnetic performance of high saturation-induction Fe-based alloy via two-step combination crystallization | MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION | 贺爱娜,蔡鹏,董亚强,黎嘉威,凌宇帆,沈保根 | 2023 |
Correlation between stress relaxation induced anisotropy, magnetic domain, and permeability of Co-doped FeCuSiBNbMn alloys | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS | 蔡鹏,贺爱娜,张宁,张博峻,凌宇帆,董亚强 | 2023 |
Improvement of overall texture and magnetic properties in bulk hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B composite magnets by the design of macrostructure | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 夏贤爽,魏关通,吴炼,欧阳勇,唐旭,都业源,陈仁杰,剧锦云,尹文宗,闫阿儒 | 2023 |
Reduction of the mechanical anisotropy in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets by the construction of heterogeneous structure | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 魏关通,赵敏,夏贤爽,李明,剧锦云,都业源,唐旭,曹帅,丁广飞,陈仁杰,罗文圣,尹文宗,闫阿儒 | 2023 |
An atomistic study of plastic deformation of SmCo5 by amorphous shear bands | MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS | 王妞妞,罗湖斌,刘雷,丁勇,陈仁杰,闫阿儒 | 2023 |
Free-standing laser-induced graphene heaters for efficient curing and repairing of composites | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 赵伟伟,余文杰,肖鑫宇,刘小青 | 2023 |
Europium-driven Alloy 709 corrosion in static FLiNaK molten salt at 700 °C | NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY | 尹太琪 | 2023 |