论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Striking Stabilization Effect of Spinel Cobalt Oxide Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts in Neutral pH by Dual-Sites Iron Incorporation | ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS | 朱帅汝,王雪,乐家波,刘德宇,况永波 | 2023 |
A Multifunctional Coating on Sulfur-Containing Carbon-Based Anode for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries | MOLECULES | 朱琳,尹波 | 2023 |
Constructing high K+ concentration layer to expedite K+ intercalation in graphite: towards superior rate capability without trading off power density of potassium-ion batteries | MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY | 张羽婷,尹波,马明婵,吴倩 | 2023 |
High Performance Thermoelectric Power of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Through Synergistic Cu2GeSe3 and Se Incorporations | SMALL | 庞凯凯,袁珉慧,张强,李亚楠,张雨友,周文杰,吴港,谈小建,崔晨,胡皓阳,蒋俊,刘国强,孙鹏,吴洁华 | 2023 |
Mechanistic insights into anion-induced electrochromism of Ru(II)-based metallo-supramolecular polymer | POLYMERS | 傅晓芳,陈涛,曹鸿涛,张洪亮 | 2023 |
Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of P-Type (Bi,Sb)2Te3 by Incorporating Non-Stoichiometric Ag5Te3 and Refining Te-Se Ratio | SMALL METHODS | 张雨友,庞凯凯,张强,李亚楠,周文杰,谈小建,吴港,陈李栋,胡皓阳,蒋俊,刘国强,孙鹏,吴洁华 | 2023 |
Insights into Enhanced Cycling and Rate Stability of LiNi0.88Co0.09Al0.03O2 via Co-doping for Lithium-Ion Batteries | ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS | 况永波 | 2023 |
Interlayer-Expanded MoS2 Enabled by Sandwiched Monolayer Carbon for High Performance Potassium Storage | MOLECULES | 张羽婷,吴倩 | 2023 |
Improved Electrical Resistivity of Atomic Layer Deposited Copper Thin Films on Polyimide Substrates by an In-situ ZnO Interlayer | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 高子泓,高俊华,曹鸿涛,张洪亮 | 2023 |
Silicon/Graphite/Amorphous Carbon as Anode Materials for Lithium Secondary Batteries | MOLECULES | 段浩杰,尹波 | 2023 |