论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Fabrication, microstructure and optical properties of <110> textured CVD polycrystalline diamond infrared materials | DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS | 杨国健,王跃忠,李莎莎,刘陈成,杨国永,杨科,江南,鲁云祥 | 2023 |
Atomic Insights of Self-healing in Silicon Nanowires | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 崔俊峰,陈国新,柯培玲,西村一仁,江南 | 2023 |
NaF-rich multifunctional layer towards stable all-solid-state sodium battery | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 刘廷虎,江柯敏,宋立波,杨菁,姚霞银 | 2023 |
化学气相沉积石墨烯/铜合金制备与导电、耐磨性能研究 | 铜业工程 | 戴丹,杨科,叶辰,虞锦洪,邓丽芬,江南,林正得 | 2023 |
Understanding and Suppressing Non-Radiative Recombination Losses in Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 刘权 | 2023 |
A geometric approach to design disturbance rejection controller in finite frequency domain | PROCEEDINGS OF 2023 CHINESE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE | 陈佳杰,王继强,陈新民,林跃 | 2023 |
Amorphous niobium polysulfide based nanocomposite enables ultrastable all-solid-state lithium batteries | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS | 谢文睿,常明原,杨梦利,田富丽,薛晓琳,赵潇蕾,姚霞银 | 2023 |
A first-principles study of doping effect on enhancing ORR performance of SreNieNb co-doped LaFeO3 perovskite | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY | 武彪,官万兵,张秋菊 | 2023 |
Intercalation of Metal into Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Molten Salts | SMALL | 高琳,李勉,范琪,梁坤,黄庆 | 2023 |
Chemical scissor medicated intercalation of NbS2 by transition metal for electromagnetic properties tuning | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 高琳,李勉,杨洪新,黄庆 | 2023 |