论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Photoexcited Single-Electron Transfer for Efficient Green Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonate from CO2 | ACS MATERIALS LETTERS | 田子奇,陈亮 | 2023 |
Four-functional iron/copper sulfide heterostructure for alkaline hybrid zinc batteries and water splitting | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 潘典辉,田子奇 | 2023 |
A Peach-Kernel-Derived Ultramicroporous Carbon with Extremely High CO2 Capture Ability | CHEMISTRYSELECT | 水立弘,林贻超 | 2023 |
涵道风扇电推进系统关键应用技术探讨 | 推进技术 | 熊俊辉,陈新民,俞浪,胡雄龙 | 2023 |
Boosted interfacial charge dynamics on the SnO2/ SnS2 heterointerface by gradient sulfur diffusion for microwave absorption and electric–thermal conversion | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 雷镇匡,宁明强,庄学恒,满其奎,沈保根 | 2023 |
Biomass-derived 6-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-2H-pyran-3(6H)-one: Green synthesis and antibacterial potential | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS | 郝盼盼,杜恩辉,吕明鑫,张彤彤,淮丽媛,谌春林,张建 | 2023 |
Two-Dimensional MXenes derived from Medium/High-entropy MAX phases M2GaC (M=Ti/V/Nb/Ta/Mo) and their Electrochemical Performance | SMALL METHODS | 李友兵,梁坤,陈科,李勉,都时禹,柴之芳,黄庆 | 2023 |
Rapid Curing of Liquid Polycarbosilane and Its Conversion into Protective Coating | SILICON | 龚坚,王袁杰,裴学良,皇静,黄政仁,黄庆 | 2023 |
Improved thermal stability and irradiation tolerance of oxide dispersion strengthened chromium coatings | JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS | 李宇航,李朋,孟凡平 | 2023 |
Chemical scissor–mediated structural editing of layered transition metal carbides | SCIENCE | 丁浩明,李友兵,李勉,陈科,梁坤,陈国新,柴之芳,都时禹,黄庆 | 2023 |