论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Dynamic recrystallization of Ti-6Al-4V alloy promoted by laser shock peening | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES | 张莉,欧阳文泰,杜永笑,郭春海,张文武 | 2023 |
Biobased Biodegradable Copolyesters from 2,5- Thiophenedicarboxylic Acid: Effect of Aliphatic Diols on Barrier Properties and Degradation | BIOMACROMOLECULES | 王潜峰,王静刚,胡晗,董云霄,张小琴,朱锦 | 2023 |
From the perspective of cells as dispersed phase in foam injection molding: Cell deformation of PP/PTFE foams | POLYMER | 吴明辉,庞永艳,吴飞,郑文革 | 2023 |
High-compact MXene-based coatings by controllable interfacial structures | NANOSCALE | 丁纪恒,王浩,赵红冉,王静刚,朱锦 | 2023 |
High-Strength, High-Barrier Bio-Based Polyester Nanocomposite Films by Binary Multiscale Boron Nitride Nanosheets | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 丁纪恒,赵红冉,楚秦超,王浩,方滨,王静刚,朱锦 | 2023 |
MFA-UNet: A vessel segmentation methodoased on multi-scale feature fusion and attentiormodule | FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE | 顾愿愿 | 2023 |
Achievement of High Perpendicular Anisotropy and Modification of Heat Treatment Peeling in Micron-Thickness Nd-Fe-B Films Used for Magnetic MEMS | MATERIALS | 黄景彬,廖诗杰,黄敏,张健 | 2023 |
In-situ bifunctional solid acid bearing B-OH and -COOH groups for efficient hydrolysis of cellulose to sugar in pure aqueous phase | GREEN CHEMISTRY | 陈玉华,冯成启,靳晨凯,祝宇心,黄骏成,那海宁,朱锦 | 2023 |
Adversarial-based latent space alignment network for left atrial appendage segmentation in transesophageal echocardiography images | FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE | 郝华颖,赵一天 | 2023 |
Microstructure Optimization and Coercivity Enhancement of Sintered NdFeB Magnet by Grain Boundary Diffusion of Multicomponent Tb60Pr10Cu10Al10Zn10 Films | MATERIALS | 黄景彬,黄敏,张健 | 2023 |