

论文题目 刊物 本单位作者 年度
Flexible structural polyethylene films for dynamically tunable energy harvesting from the sun and outer space NANO ENERGY 鲁越晖,楼其村,宋伟杰 2023
Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Vibration of A Dual Three-Phase PMSM Considering Current Harmonics and Winding Operating Modes ICEMS 赵士豪,陈进华,张驰,高云鹏 2023
涵道风扇电机强迫风冷散热结构设计与试验 微特电机 俞浪,熊俊辉,陈新民,陆佳南,徐茂 2023
Research on Slot-Frequency and Pole-Frequency Electromagnetic Vibration of Low Harmonic Surface-Mounted PMSM IEEE 18TH CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICIEA) 赵士豪,陈进华,李旭东,高云鹏,张驰,王冬杰 2023
Effects of the TiO2 content on the mechanical properties and galvanic corrosion resistance of Al2O3 coatings CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 周鹏,方焕杰,王永欣,蒲吉斌 2023
Research on Winding MMF Harmonics of the PMSM with the Same Number of Poles and Slots IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 杨九铜,陈进华,杨桂林,张驰,赵士豪,乔继军,陈庆盈 2023
Efficient Kinematic Calibration for Articulated Robot Based on Unit Dual Quaternion IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 罗竞波,陈思鲁,张驰,陈庆盈,杨桂林 2023
Upcycling of thermoplastic polyurethane into covalent adaptable networks via chain breaking-crosslinking strategy JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE 王滨搏,朱锦 2023
An Iterative Dynamic Parameter Identification Method Based on Minimum Parameter Set for Collaborative Robots THE 18TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS 张拓璞,杜庆皓,杨桂林,陈庆盈,方灶军,张驰 2023
Model-based Performance Enhancement for Compound Twisted and Coiled Actuators THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICIRA 2023) 张昊,杨桂林,张豪豪,郑天江,陈涛,张驰 2023