论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Association of Retinal Microvascular Abnormalities and Neuromyelitis Optica with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography | FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE | 郭家琦,张炯,赵一天 | 2023 |
One thousandth of quaternity slurry additive enables one thousand cycle of 5V LNMO cathode | ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS | 张静,曹龙昊,杨鸣,余竞雄,程亚军,夏永高 | 2023 |
Automated evaluation of retinal hyperreflective foci changes in diabetic macular edema patients before and after intravitreal injection | FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE | 王兴国,马煜辉,陆嘉懿,马韶东,阎岐峰,赵一天 | 2023 |
Design and 3D Printing of Stretchable Conductor with High Dynamic Stability | MATERIALS | 王盛丁,夏湘岭,肖恢芸,刘金云,胡思齐,伊晓辉,刘宜伟,李润伟,尚杰,巫远招 | 2023 |
Structure Constrained Diffusion Models for Pterygium Segmentation | 2023 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMEDICAL IMAGING (ISBI) | 郭鑫雨,郝华颖,张炯,赵一天 | 2023 |
Structural Design and DLP 3D Printing Preparation of High Strain Stable Flexible Pressure Sensors | ADVANCED SCIENCE | 夏湘岭,项紫银,高志一,胡思齐,张无虚,刘宜伟,巫远招,李润伟,尚杰 | 2023 |
Highly efficient through-space charge transfer TADF molecule employed in TADF- and TADF-sensitized organic light-emitting diodes | SCIENCE CHINA CHEMISTRY | 张家森,李伟,吴妤婕,慕锡麟,刘春雨,方开波,葛子义 | 2023 |
Topology-Aware Learning for Semi-supervised Cross-domain Retinal Artery/Vein Classification | CGI 2022: ADVANCES IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS | 刘汉林,郝华颖,张炯,赵一天 | 2023 |
Micromoles drilling in Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy by Laser and Electrochemical machining | PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE | 孙辰宇,王玉峰,杨勇,刘云峰,张文武 | 2023 |
High-Molecular-Weight and Light-Colored Disulfide-Bond?Embedded Polyesters: Accelerated Hydrolysis Triggered by Redox Responsiveness | BIOMACROMOLECULES | 胡晗,栾青阳,林晨,王静刚,朱锦 | 2023 |