论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Lightweight biodegradable porous poly(propylene carbonate)/carbon nanostructures nano/microcellular structures with enhanced foamability, good electromagnetic interference shielding, and low permanent strain | COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS | 凌邑菡,李学云,高鹏,吴明辉,汪龙,郑文革 | 2023 |
Design Methodology of Hybrid Magnet Arrangement in Variable Flux Memory Machines Based on Universal Approximation Theorem | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION | 刘威,张驰,陈进华,邱书恒,李荣,舒鑫东 | 2023 |
Evolution in microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu alloy during wire and arc additive manufacture | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY | 张青科,宋振纶 | 2023 |
Induction brazing of NdFeB magnet with PVD-deposited AgCu alloy | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS | 李鑫,张青科,杨丽景,许赪,王廷辉,郑必长,潘伟,宋振纶 | 2023 |
Joint conditional generative adversarial networks for eyelash artifact removal in ultra-wide-field fundus images | FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY | 张炯,沙登峰,马煜辉,赵一天 | 2023 |
PEDOT:PSS materials for optoelectronics, thermoelectrics, and flexible and stretchable electronics | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 樊细,曾吉西,陈纪文,宋伟杰 | 2023 |
Dual-path and Multi-scale Enhanced Attention Network for Retinal Diseases Classification Using Ultra-Wide-Field Images | IEEE ACCESS | 陈方胜,马韶东,郝晋奎,顾愿愿,张炯,赵一天 | 2023 |
多孔生物质衍生炭改性碳纤维电极的制备及其在结构超级电容器中的应用 | 2023年全国高分子学术论文报告会 | 薛成贵,徐海兵,祝颖丹 | 2023 |
Privileged Modality Guided Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Ultra-Wide-Field Images | OMIA 2023: OPHTHALMIC MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS | 李雪菲,郝华颖,赵一天,张炯 | 2023 |
A Sensitivity-Optimized Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensor with Cylindrical Ladder Microstructural Dielectric Layers | SENSORS | 滑天,项紫银,夏湘岭,李彰凌,孙丹丹,巫远招,刘宜伟,尚杰,李润伟 | 2023 |