

论文题目 刊物 本单位作者 年度
Understanding of the adhesive strength enhancement mechanisms of bilayer diamond film at nanoscale DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 鲁云祥,张慧,邓丽芬,宋惠,易剑,西村一仁,江南 2023
Dual role of rapid transport and efficient passivation in inverted methylammonium-free perovskite solar cells utilizing a self-assembled porous insulating layer ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 刘健,陈九江,徐鹏,谢莉莎,杨顺成,孟员员,肖传晓,杨孟锦,葛子义 2023
Coercivity enhancement of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by grain boundary diffusion with Pr80-x Al x Cu20 alloys CHINESE PHYSICS B 丁广飞,郭帅,郑波,范晓东,朱金豪,陈仁杰,闫阿儒 2023
Weldable and electrochemically stable composite of graphene and polyvinylidene fluoride as a current collector for promoting reversible lithium plating/stripping JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 郭强,李伊美,于亚男,刘兆平,周旭峰 2023
Temperature dependence of two-dimensional hole gas on hydrogen-terminated diamond surface DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 杨明阳,袁其龙,邱梦婷,贾郑林,杨国永,西村一仁,林正得,江南 2023
自活化PAN基多孔碳纤维的制备及其CO2吸附性能研究 合成纤维工业 付雪东,闫圣国,李瑞劼,张永刚,王雪飞 2023
Modification of pre-oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers as chelating sorbents for removal of Copper(II) ions FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS LETTERS 王雪飞,蒋蓉蓉,管建敏,支建海,张永刚 2023
Variable stiffness and fast-response soft structures based on electrorheological fluids JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 景慧澜,龙菲,吕博锦,王兵,张鹤文,樊勋业,郑洪茹,储成义,许高杰,程昱川,郭建军,孙爱华 2023
4D printing Light-Driven soft actuators based on Liquid-Vapor phase transition composites with inherent sensing capability CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 龙菲,邵迎春,赵自辉,景慧澜,郭建军,孙爱华,许高杰,程昱川 2023
Printable multi-stage variable stiffness material enabled by low melting point particle additives JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 龙菲,邵迎春,赵自辉,郭建军,孙爱华,程昱川,许高杰 2023