论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Molecular understanding of the Helmholtz capacitance difference between Cu(100) and graphene electrodes | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 乐家波 | 2023 |
Revealing the role of interfacial water and key intermediates at ruthenium surfaces in the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 乐家波 | 2023 |
Surface Control Behavior toward Crystal Regulation and Anticorrosion Capacity for Zinc Metal Anodes | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 乐家波 | 2023 |
Renewable galactomannan-based biogums with structure regulation to protect zinc metal anodes via blocking and confinement effect | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES | 乐家波 | 2023 |
Methoxy-Based Passivator 4-Methoxyphenethylammonium Iodide as Multifunctional Passivator for High-Efficiency 3D/2D Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells over 23% | SOLAR RRL | 曹瑞坤,王耀华,孟员员,刘畅,葛子义 | 2023 |
Isomerization strategy on a non-fullerene guest acceptor for stable organic solar cells with over 19% efficiency | ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | 陈振宇,杨道宾,宋伟,石静玉,葛金峰,郭赟彤,童欣雨,葛子义 | 2023 |
In-situ solution processed zinc Oxide as electron transport layer for High-performance perovskite Light-emitting diodes | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 陈嘉楠,唐兆兵,章婷,钱磊,向超宇 | 2023 |
Enhancing the Absorbance and Carrier Extraction of Lead Sulfide Quantum Dot Solar Cells by the Bilayer ZnO | SOLAR RRL | 丁硕,武春艳,杨金鹏,钱磊,向超宇 | 2023 |
Sulfide solid electrolyte synthesized by liquid phase approach and application in all-solid-state lithium batteries | ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA | 门明阳,吴敬华,刘高瞻,张婧,张妮妮,姚霞银 | 2023 |
Biomass-based Co/C@Carbon composites derived from MOF-modified cotton fibers for enhanced electromagnetic attenuation | CARBON | 陈佳丽,王蕾,沈斌,郑文革 | 2023 |