论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Toward Highly Matching the Dura Mater: A Polyurethane Integrating Biocompatible, Leak-Proof, and Self-Healing Properties | MACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE | 李凤龙,王古月,陈超,田莹,应邬彬,朱锦 | 2023 |
Synthesis of sodium alginate/polyacrylamide photochromic hydrogels with quadruple crosslinked networks | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B | 朱锦 | 2023 |
Construction of the Porous Carbon Supercapacitors with Efficient Energy Storage by the Dissolution and Regeneration Strategy of Chitin | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 朱锦 | 2023 |
基于几何设计法的航空发动机内外机匣减振控制新方法 | 南京航空航天大学学报 | 王继强 | 2023 |
Highly flexible cellulose-based hydrogel electrolytes: preparation and application in quasi solid-state supercapacitors with high specific capacitance | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 朱锦 | 2023 |
A novel method to avoid the sintering shrinkage of Al2O3-Cr cermets formed by direct ink writing | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 储成义,郭建军,许高杰,程昱川,孙爱华 | 2023 |
Thermal insulation of 3D printed complex and miniaturized SiO2 aerogels at medium-high temperatures | JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS | 王雨婷,储成义,段琛祺,董嘉靖,陈浩,应松涛,郭建军,许高杰,程昱川,孙爱华 | 2023 |
MWCNTs-GNPs Reinforced TPU Composites with Thermal and Electrical Conductivity: Low-Temperature Controlled DIW Forming | MICROMACHINES | 段琛祺,龙菲,王雨婷,董嘉靖,程昱川,孙爱华 | 2023 |
High-performance castor oil-based polyurethane thermosets: Facile synthesis and properties | REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS | 苏一,王滨搏,徐锡威,封宏志,胡可珍,张伟琼,周偲灿,朱锦 | 2023 |
Microstructure and nanoindentation properties of high-throughput prepared Ti-Al2O3 functionally graded materials films | MATERIALS LETTERS | 王雨婷,储成义,许高杰,曹彦伟,孙爱华 | 2023 |