论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Hierarchically self-reporting and self-healing photothermal responsive coatings towards smart corrosion protection | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 程莉,赵海超,王立平 | 2023 |
Relationship among intrinsic magnetic parameters and structure and crucial effect of metastable Fe3B phase in Fe-metalloid amorphous alloys | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 蔡远飞,林波,张岩,王军强 | 2023 |
Measurement on the neutron and gamma radiation shielding performance of boron-doped titanium alloy Ti50Cu30Zr15B5 via arc melting technique | HELIYON | 高萌 | 2023 |
Design of phase change composite with hierarchical energy-transfer pathway via laser-induced graphene for efficient energy storage, conversion, and utilization | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 祝欣蓓,刘敬楷,赵伟伟,余文杰,刘小青 | 2023 |
国产高强高模PAN基碳纤维预浸料的制备及性能研究 | 合成纤维工业 | 李莹莹,张永刚,于水鑫,金璐,郑凯杰 | 2023 |
Structural Evolution of Polyaluminocarbosilane during the Polymer Ceramic Conversion Process | MATERIALS | 谢富成,莫高明,黄庆,黄政仁 | 2023 |
Epitaxial Growth of α-FAPbI3 at a Well-Matched Heterointerface for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells and Solar Modules | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 孟员员,刘畅,闫鹏宇,孙可轩,王耀华,田睿佳,曹瑞坤,葛子义 | 2023 |
Pre-Buried ETL with Bottom-Up Strategy Toward Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency Over 23% | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 孟员员,刘畅,曹瑞坤,张家森,杨孟锦,谢莉莎,王耀华,葛子义 | 2023 |
Fabrication of SiC ultrafne fber with low oxygen content by electrospinning, thermal curing and pyrolysis of cyano-polycarbosilane | SILICON | 谢富成,莫高明,何流,黄庆,黄政仁 | 2023 |
Dual Forster ¨ resonance energy transfer effects enables high photocurrent density and high fill factor in ternary organic solar cells | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 王洪倩,杨道宾,丁鹏飞,陈振宇,杨顺成,闫鹏宇,孟员员,葛子义 | 2023 |