论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
海洋环境钛金属的应用现状及其防护技术研究 | 表面技术 | 李金龙,赖思颖,董敏鹏 | 2023 |
A Systematic Study on the Processing Strategy in Femtosecond Laser Scribing via a Two-Temperature Model | MATERIALS | 王汝家,王玉峰,杨勇,张硕文,张文武 | 2023 |
Semi-Supervised Metallographic Image Segmentation via Consistency Regularization and Contrastive Learning | IEEE ACCESS | 陈凡,张一鸣,郭耀麟,都时禹 | 2023 |
First-principles study on the structure and electronic properties of M2CSx (M = Sc, Ti, Y, Zr and Hf, x = 1, 2) | RSC ADVANCES | 朱怀锦,邱年祥,方罡,都时禹 | 2023 |
固相生长碳纳米管小球及其催化废水降解研究 | 现代化工 | 黄沈虎,张建,谌春林 | 2023 |
ColdDTA: Utilizing data augmentation and attention-based feature fusion for drug-target binding affinity prediction | COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE | 方科杰,张一鸣,都时禹 | 2023 |
Stability of a solid oxide cell stack under direct internal-reforming of hydrogen-blended methane | JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY | 汤亚飞,武安祺,韩贝贝,官万兵 | 2023 |
Efficiency and stability of seawater electrolysis through flat-tube solid oxide cell stack without air | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY | 胡小刚,韩贝贝,桑君康,武安祺,刘曌,陆之毅,官万兵 | 2023 |
Synthesis of high-performance La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ nano-powder prepared via an aceticacrylic method | JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN | 官万兵,杨钧,王建新 | 2023 |
Fabrication, property and performance evaluation of Stainless Steel 430L as porous supports for metal supported solid oxide fuel cells | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH | 傅盛杰,张金秋,徐凯,杨钧,朱良柱 | 2023 |