论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Tumor microenvironment-activatable neuropeptide-drug conjugates enhanced tumor penetration and inhibition via multiple delivery pathways and calcium deposition | CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS | 曹奕,吴爱国,李娟 | 2023 |
Transformable Neuropeptide Prodrug with TumorMicroenvironment Responsiveness for Tumor Growth andMetastasis Inhibition of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer | ADVANCED SCIENCE | 曹奕,吴爱国,李娟 | 2023 |
Self-Assembly of Organelle-Localized NeuropeptidesTriggers Intrinsic Apoptosis Against Breast Cancer | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS | 袁博,吴爱国,李娟 | 2023 |
Platelet-Membrane-Coated Polydopamine Nanoparticles forNeuroprotection by Reducing Oxidative Stress andRepairing Damaged Vessels in Intracerebral Hemorrhage | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS | 李娟,吴爱国 | 2023 |
D-type neuropeptide decorated AlEgen/RENP hybrid nanoprobeswith light-driven ROS generation ability for NIR-Il fuorescenceimaging-guided through-skull photodynamic therapy of gliomas | AGGREGATE | 何雪璐,吴爱国,李娟 | 2023 |
无磁轭辐射环双定子电机磁场分析及转矩计算 | 微电机 | 孙贤备,陈进华,陈思鲁,陈庆盈,张驰 | 2023 |
Design of the rare-earth-containing materials based on the micro-alloying phase equilibria, phase diagrams and phase transformations | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 徐凯,娄明,肖雪莲,周若男,王方明,胡晓飞,袁媛,常可可 | 2023 |
Lanthanide-doped MoS2 with enhanced oxygen reduction activity and biperiodic chemical trends | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 郝宇,王立平,黄良锋 | 2023 |
Efficient prediction of corrosion behavior in ternary Ni-based alloy systems: Theoretical calculations and experimental verification | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 肖雪莲,常可可,娄明,徐凯,王立平,薛群基 | 2023 |
Initial oxidation mechanism of FeCrAl thin films with Nb and Si additions | THIN SOLID FILMS | 李莎,袁媛,周若男,徐凯,娄明,王林静,胡晓飞,常可可 | 2023 |