论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Numerical research on Inconel718 laser additive repairing | SPIE PROCEEDINGS | 茹浩磊 | 2023 |
Dynamic Competitive Strains Enabled Self-Supporting Janus Nanostructured Films for High-Performance Airflow Perception | MATERIALS HORIZONS | 周伟,肖鹏,张畅,杨青,陈涛 | 2023 |
Addressing the Conflict between Mobility and Stability in Oxide Thin-film Transistors | ADVANCED SCIENCE | 梁凌燕,张恒博,高俊华,张洪亮,曹鸿涛 | 2023 |
Laser-Assisted Electrochemical Machining Based on Optical Fiber?Based Tool Electrode | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY | 李雨雷,杨勇,王玉峰,张文武 | 2023 |
Design of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric generator in a widely applicable system | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES | 易龙兵,徐浩伟,黄少麟,杨浩,李亚楠,张强,郭哲,胡皓阳,蒋俊,刘国强,孙鹏,谈小建 | 2023 |
The properties of the fuel electrode of solid oxide cells under simulated seawater electrolysis | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY | 罗星,武安祺,桑君康,韩贝贝,王成田,官万兵 | 2023 |
Improving flame retardancy and mechanical properties of polyamide 6 induced by multiple reactions among flame retardants and matrix | REACTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS | 孙晋皓,张迪,陈鹏 | 2023 |
Flame retardancy and toughness of epoxy resin induced by a star-shaped flame retardant containing P/Si/B | REACTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS | 孙晋皓,张迪,陈鹏 | 2023 |
Roles of organic chain structure in flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy coating | PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS | 孙晋皓,陈鹏 | 2023 |
Separation of neptunium and plutonium with neutral phosphorus ligands: A theoretical perspective | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS | 陈艳梅,张蕾,柴之芳 | 2023 |