论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
基于2,2'-双取代BPDA基聚酰亚胺气体分离膜的性能研究 | 膜科学与技术 | 杨萌萌,张梦茹,陈爱民 | 2023 |
碳纤维复合材料激光切割技术研究进展 | 电加工与模具 | 茹浩磊 | 2023 |
碳纤维增强热塑性复合材料 / 钛合金激光焊接模拟仿真研究 | 航空制造技术 | 茹浩磊,张文武 | 2023 |
Multi-layer co-extruded quantum-dot diffuser plate for ultra-large TV backlights | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS | ENGUO CHEN,季红雷,DAOCHUN YE,HUAISHU XU,葛子义 | 2023 |
Integrating Fresnel diffraction, multi-phase retrieval, and hyper-chaos mapping for color image encryption | APPLIED OPTICS | 吴军,沈伊人,徐刚 | 2023 |
High-Performance Mechanically Durable Semi-transparent Organic Solar Cells with Highly Transparent Active Layers | SCIENCE CHINA MATERIALS | 李亚峰,宋伟,葛子义 | 2023 |
Latest progress on fully non-fused electron acceptors for high-performance organic solar cells | CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS | 高翔,刘志田,Jianhong Gao,Xiaodong Zhu,Hanyi Bao,Jibao Feng,葛子义 | 2023 |
Ion-Terminated Hyperbranched Polymer Towards Multipurpose Adhesive with Record-High Bonding Strength and Sensitive Stress-Sensing | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 陈海明,林浩浩,孙再征,李赫,DONGSHENG MAO | 2023 |
Image and lidar fusion mapping method based on joint adjustment | IEEE-ICICML2022 | 卜宁波,许根,程思远,肖江剑 | 2023 |
Thermal conductivity enhancement of carbon fiber/epoxy composites via constructing three-dimensionally aligned hybrid thermal conductive structures on fiber surfaces | COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 黄玉东,郝梦圆,钱鑫,张永刚,杨家鸣,李春洁,宫浩婷,王雪飞,王飘飘,刘丽 | 2023 |