论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Highly stretchable, deformation-stable wireless powering antenna for wearable electronics | NANO ENERGY | 和子栋,肖恢芸,巫远招,夏湘岭,李晟斌,刘金云,黄凯,汪芬,李法利,李鸿扬,刘宜伟,尚杰,王盛丁 | 2023 |
Confining monochromophore in dynamic polymer network for multi-stimuli responsive fluorescence-phosphorescence dual-emission | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 于燚,司牧青,路伟,吴双双,魏书心,吴宝意,陈希跑,谢卫萍,陈涛 | 2023 |
Direct Ink Writing Printed Flexible Double-Layer Staggered Woodpile Structure for Multi-Band Compatible Absorption of Gigahertz and Terahertz Waves | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 刘裴,石少奇,倪寅栩,徐凯,高青青,郝治雷,田兆霞,肖威,许高杰,刘丰华 | 2023 |
Designing heterostructured FeP—CoP for oxygen evolution reaction: Interface engineering to enhance electrocatalytic performance | NANO RESEARCH | 文英杰,张思勰,黄鑫杰,王田,何佩雷,陆之毅 | 2023 |
半导体用大尺寸单晶金刚石衬底制备及加工研究现状 | 人工晶体学报 | 刘俊杰,易剑,宋惠,江南,西村一仁 | 2023 |
Recycled and flexible boron nitride heat spread film with high thermal conductivity | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 张健翔,孔祥东,王延东,张振邦,李林洪,徐康,李茂华,杨荣杰,周一苇,蔡涛,代文,江南,林正得,西村一仁,虞锦洪 | 2023 |
Glutamine Induced High-Quality Perovskite Film to Improve the Efficiency of NIR Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes | SMALL | 陈嘉楠,唐兆兵,丁硕,钱磊,向超宇 | 2023 |
合成聚晶金刚石过程的颗粒冷压破碎 | 金刚石与磨料磨具工程 | 崔喜伟,秦越,毛荣琪,郝敬林,赵思壮,林正得,邓丽芬,江南,崔平 | 2023 |
Comparing the tribological behavior of polycrystalline diamonds against steel GCr15 and ceramic Si3N4: friction and wear | DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS | 崔喜伟,秦越,陈焕毅,阮欣欣,张慧,矫程程,毛荣琪,郝敬林,邓丽芬,侯帅,江南,王延东,西村一仁,赵思壮 | 2023 |
Enhancement of in-plane thermal conductivity of flexible boron nitride heat spreaders by micro/nano void-filling using deformable liquid metal nanoparticles | RARE METALS | 陶沛迪,陈露,应俊峰,吕乐,孙立文,褚伍波,西村一仁,代文,江南,林正得,王跃忠,颜庆伟,虞锦洪 | 2023 |