论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Developments of polyurethane in biomedical applications: A review | RESOURCES CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS | 崔明辉,朱锦,陈景 | 2023 |
复合材料结构超级电容器碳纤维电极的制备与改性方法研究进展 | 复合材料学报 | 陈少杰,徐海兵,刘东,颜春,陈刚,吕东喜,祝颖丹 | 2023 |
聚酰胺6接枝线性聚磷腈的结晶行为研究 | 材料导报 | 宋文龙,颜春,陈刚,祝颖丹,徐海兵,吕东喜 | 2023 |
Soft magnetic properties and giant magneto-impedance effect of Co68.15Fe4.35Si12.5B15-xCrx amorphous ribbons | JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS | 胡礼梦,牟春阳,马浩然,贺爱娜,董亚强,满其奎,黎嘉威 | 2023 |
Effect of β to α phase transformation on microstructure and thermal conductivity of SiC ceramic densified with Y2O3-MgO additives in argon | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 黄斌炜,任全兴,钱壮,尹自强,黄政仁,黄庆,李寅生 | 2023 |
Fluorine-free and ultra-thin films prepared by RF-PECVD method for the anticorrosive applications | SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY: METROLOGY AND PROPERTIES | 吴丽婷,刘璐琪,马付良,沈路力,王刚,曾志翔,乌学东 | 2023 |
A Review of Key Technologies of Bone Drills for Orthopedic Surgery Robot Terminals | IEEE CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS | 安永峰,陈庆盈,戴俊杰,杨桂林,张驰,熊次远 | 2023 |
Admittance Control of Flexible Joint with Dual-Disturbance Observer | THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS AND APPLICATIONS | 万红宇,陈思鲁,张驰,陈庆盈,杨桂林 | 2023 |
Lightweight chitosan-derived carbon/rGO aerogels loaded with hollow Co1-xNixO nanocubes for superior electromagnetic wave absorption and heat insulation | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 高玉,雷镇匡,潘丽宁,庄学恒,宁明强,满其奎 | 2023 |
Effects of structural transformation on magnetic properties of AlCoFeCr high-entropy soft magnetic powder cores by adjusting Co/Fe ratio | MATERIALS & DESIGN | 高威,董亚强,马严,吴航,贾行杰,李旭斌,赵嵘林,吴寿鼎,贺爱娜,黎嘉威 | 2023 |